Belly Flop

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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Could vs. Should is something we talk to our athletes about on a daily basis. An athlete who can do some push jerks at 115# could do this workout as prescribed, but it would take them an hour, which would miss the desired stimulus. The goal is not to do the workouts as written. The goal is to get the appropriate workout for you everyday, work on mechanics and consistency, and then layer in intensity to the point where members are training at their threshold. That sweet spot is where the magic happens. Let’s do what we should, not what we could.

Belly Flop (Time)


Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Power Cleans (115/80)(95/65)

Pull-ups (Rx+ CTB)

Front Squats (115/80)(95/65)

Lateral Barbell Burpees

Push Jerks (115/80)(95/65)
Scaling options:


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