Nose Bleed

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (Distance)


Teams of 3:

P1: 10 Russian KB Swings 50/35, Then Rest

P2: 100′ Backwards Sled Pull

P3: 10 KB or DB Snatches 50/35, Then Rest

Score is Total Distance Sled Pulled.
Set up 2 Cones 100′ Apart in Parking Lot. P1 is at one cone with Kettlebell, P2 is pulling Sled, P3 is at other cone with Kettlebell. It’s June, let’s put some work in outside.

Coaches: Set a 40 Min Countdown Clock. Take 10 Min Break between AMRAPs to setup and prep for “Nose Bleed”.

Nose Bleed (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


27/21 Calorie Row

21 Deadlifts (RX+135/95)(RX115/75)

15 Burpees

9 Push Press (135/95)(115/75)
Athletes will choose one weight for the barbell, with the push press being the deciding factor. The deadlift bar is intended to be very light, something athletes could complete 35+ repetitions unbroken when fresh, while the push press will be on the moderate side of heavy. This should be a weight that athletes could complete 15+ unbroken repetitions when fresh, ideally taking no more than one break per round during the workout. If short on rower, stagger heats by 2-3 minutes.

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