Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
Pull-ups (5-7 reps E2MOM)
MIN 1 Pullups
MIN 2 DB Bench Press
10-15MIN EMOM (5-7sets)
Weighted Pull-ups (build to 3 reps )
Bench Press (Dumbbell Bench Press)
Every Other Minute between pullups. Max reps each set x5
Workout of the Day
See-Saw (4 Rounds for time)
At 0:00 & 10:00
30/25 Cal Row
12 (Rx+20) Pullups
At 5:00 & 15:00
30/25 Cal Air Bike
12 (Rx+20) Ring Dips
Breathe & Burn
Rings, UB Pull, API