Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
30 sec Medball Squats
30 sec Squat Hold
30 sec Medball Press
30 sec Extended Child’s Pose
x 2
200m Run/250m Row/ or 10 Burpees
5 Inch Worms slow
x 2
Workout of the Day
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min AMRAP
100m Shuttle Run (300Ft)
12 Wallballs 20/14
Rest 5:00
10 min AMRAP
100m Shuttle Run (300Ft)
12 Bodybuilders
Rest 5:00
10 min AMRAP
20 Box Stepup 24/20
20 Alt. Db Snatch Or Plate ground to overhead
Heavy Breathing WOD!
Goal: 450+ Reps
Everyone does Body Builders today!
For Run, 15 ft is 5 meters, so for 100m, if you are shuttling in your house, if you mark off 15 ft, you need to shuttle 20 times. (down 1, back 2 etc…)
Count 15 feet as 1 rep (20 reps per run).
40 Minute Clock! This one is gonna be spicy!
Extra Work
Metcon (Weight)
Upper Body Push Body Building
3-5 Sets For Quality
10 Single-arm Z-Press R
15 Single-arm Db Lateral Raise R
10 Single-arm Z-Press L
15 Single-arm Db Lateral Raise L
Rest as Needed