
Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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30s Lat Stretch E/S

15 Russian Kettlebell Swings

10 Dumbbell Press E/S


Then: Burgener Wup and PC Skill


Power Clean (12 min EMOM 2-5 Reps)

advanced athletes can do C&J singles toward end of EMOM

Workout of the Day

Cerberus-LM (Time)

5 Rounds For Time

15 Wallballs 20/14

15 American Kettlebell Swings 53/35

15 Box Jumps w/ step down 24/20″

6 rounds at 10 each.

w/ RussianKBS

Extra Work

Spend 15 minutes stretching, focus on Legs and Hips.


Without a doubt, mobility and flexibility is one of the most overlooked parts of fitness. And yet it remains one of the most restorative and important parts of recovery and body connectedness. Spend 20 minutes getting into the legs and hips, plug in, focus on breathing and relaxation.

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