Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
Shoulder and Pec Banded Stretch 2 minute Each Side
3 minutes single unders
2 Rounds:
10s Bottom-ups hold (peripheral vision)
10 Box Push-ups
10 Ring Rows
10 PVC Pipe Pass throughs SLOW
Ring Skillwork/Hollow Position Work
Jump to Stabilize on Box/Ring Practice 30s on/30s off x10
Rx & Rx+:
2-5 Weighted Ring Dips EMOMx10 OR 1-5 Strict Ring Muscle-up Every other min for 10 min
Workout of the Day
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“Fire Walker”
14 minute AMRAP
13 Box Step-overs w/plate 45/35
16 Overhead Front Step Lunges w/plate 35/25 (Rx+45/35)
400m Run or Row or Ski
Extra Work
15 Minutes of Mobility & Stretching Lats & Shoulders
Note: Relax the muscle as much as possible, take deep breaths in order to do so. The more relaxed the muscle becomes the more the roller/ball can dig in.