Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
Workout of the Day
Lynne (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
Bodyweight Bench Press
Stimulus Modifications:
If unable to press bodyweight min. 10x, use a weight that you can press minimum 10-20x.
Pullups should also be in the 10-15 rep range if strict. If you choose to do strict pullups, add that in comments. Kipping and butterfly is allowed. Modify to get this stimulus.
Barbell Arm Curls (EMOM 10)
Improving bicep strength will help with our pulling movements.
Min 1 Barbell Curls x10
Min 2 Max Dips
AFTER EMOM Cash out: 50 Banded Tricep Extensions.
Core Work
12 Min EMOM
1. KB Windmills LT :30 KB RT :30
2. Plank and Reach to KB
3. V-ups