The Forge

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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Deadlift (5×12 every 3 Min )

Every set add to find heavy 12

Workout of the Day

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

“The Forge”

Every 2 min for 5 Rounds

1 Weighted Pullup or 3-5 Strict Pullups +

AMRAP Ring Dips/Ring Pushups in 1 set (10 Minimum so band may be required)
Make the Pull portion a little harder each set — pushing the muscular tension — and focus on squeezing the bar or rings, and on maintaining tight body position. Next is a pushing variation where the goal is to hit at least 10 solid, controlled reps. Adjust the weight/difficulty to allow for QUALITY movement, and don’t work past the 1:15 mark (which may be possible for some on the early set). You don’t want to BURN OUT on the early sets by working the entire 2 minutes. You’ll need some rest to keep the Pullup quality high. The lower levels will be on the Strength Endurance side for both movements, which is good and expected, and will build the capacity to hit heavier single reps when the time comes. BLUE+ should add weight on the Pull-ups in each round … ending at something tough. Chase the burn on the AMRAP sets, but only with good technique — do NOT push through bad technique to slop out a few extra reps.

Core Work

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Accessory Core

Tabata: Hollow Rock

Directly into …

Max Hollow Hold

Rest 1 Min

Tabata: Russian Twists (add weight as needed)
Score (for fun only) Total Russian Twist

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