Thirsty Thursday

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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10 min clock:

500 Meter Row (slow), into…

3 Rounds:

10 Chest Level Kettlebell Swings (light load, but explosive… finding hip extension here)

8 Unilateral Kneeling Dumbbell Presses Each Side

7 Slow Air Squats

3 Inchworms

:20 second Samson Stretch each side

Finish with a second 500 meter row, this time with a tempo…

First 100, same slower pace as above.

Every 100 meters following, aim to get a touch faster, finishing with a medium/fast final 100 meters.

Push Press (4×6 SAME WEIGHT)


Focus points:

1) Midline is on.

2) Extend through the heel arch. Just before we dip drive, visualize all of the weight just at your ankle bone. Dip and drive through the ankle bone.

3) Aggressive lockout. This will be a strength building progression, where we want to accelerate the bar to extension with an aggressive punch to lockout. And being a strength building progression, we want the press out. Even as the weight becomes challenging, let’s not jerk the barbell today. True push press.

Optimus Prime (AMRAP – Reps)


Wallballs (20/14) – Females to a 9′ Target

*On the Minute, starting on the 0:00, complete 7 Deadlifts

RX+(225/155) RX(185/115)

At the call of Go, the athlete completes 7 deadlifts. Any time remaining inside that minute can be used to complete wallballs. At the turn of the minute (in this case the 1:00), the athlete must stop and complete 7 more deadlifts before returning back to the ball. This process continues until the 7:00 cap, with the score being total wallballs.

Let’s choose a deadlift weight that we are confident we could cycle for 21+ repetitions unbroken. We want to get these deadlifts unbroken each round – if we are breaking these up, our weight selection is too heavy for the day.

Metcon (No Measure)


5 Sets, not for time:

10 Parallel Bar Dips

10 Ring Rows (Horizontal only if proficient)

Cool Down

Sink Stretch and 30 Band Pull Aparts

¡CHUPALO! ¡Estoy en México AHORA MISMO!