Big Clean Complex

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit


Video Demonstration –

With a running clock, 5 Rounds…

1 “Big Clean Complex” every 6:00:

High Hang Squat Clean (mid-thigh) + Hang Squat Clean (knee level) + Squat Clean (floor) + Push Press

High Hang Squat Clean (mid-thigh) + Hang Squat Clean (knee level) + Squat Clean (floor) + Push Jerk

High Hang Squat Clean (mid-thigh) + Hang Squat Clean (knee level) + Squat Clean (floor) + Split Jerk

Sets are to be started on the 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, and 24:00. Any time remaining inside those windows after completion is rest. Recorded score is the heaviest completed “Big Clean Complex”.

All 12 repetitions complete 1 set. To be completed as “Rx”, the squat cleans (to the floor) are “touch and go”, and the overheads are brought back down to the shoulders as opposed to being dropped. It is absolutely the right move to drop from overhead however if it is an unsafe environment for you to bring the load back down from overhead… if that is the case, drop from the top and strive to get our hands immediately back on the bar.

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