Cleaning Skills

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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Clean (10 MIN EMOM 1 Rep)

10 Min of COACH LEAD Clean Skillwork & Progressions


10 Min EMOM

working in a 70-90% Range.

Focus on:

1. Proper Setup/Hookgrip

2. 1st Pull

3. 2nd Pull to “Pockets” with SPEED AND MAX VELOCITY. Use legs, not arms to move the bar.

4. 3rd Pull Under Bar

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

5 Front Squat

7 Toes To Bar

9 Hand Release Pushups
Rx+ 155/105

Rx 135/95

Fit 115/85

*If you don’t have toes to bar, practice Toes to AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE. Practice the KIP and Hollow. NO KNEE RAISES TODAY.

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