Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
Back Squat (Tempo- 30×0 – 4-6 Sets – 3-5 Reps)
Building. Focus on Breathing, Bracing and Quality and Control.
Workout of the Day
Metcon (Time)
10-1 Floor Press & 5 Pullups & 5 TTB
10-1 Front Squats & 10 Pushups
P1 Goes, then P2 Goes. Both Do All the Reps.
ex. Round 1: P1 10 Floor Press–>5Pullups/5TTB, P1 Rests while P2 does 10 Floor Press–>5Pullups/5TTB
Round 2: P1 9 Floor Press–>10 Pullups, Rest while P2 does 9 & 5/5…etc.
Rx Weight is 70% of 1RM