Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
Power Clean (per level)
Workout of the Day
Rambler (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
8 Power Cleans 95/65(115/85)
6 Toes to Bar
*Every 2 minute :
Rx: 10 Push Press 95/65
Rx+: 15 PP 115/85
* The first set of push press happens at 2:00.
Strategy:Aerobic Power on the Stamina side is what we have going here. Grip and midline fatigue will compound quickly! So work to manage it, the 12 minutes will go by very fast. Your goal is go unbroken but smooth on the power cleans and TTB or variation. Be mindful of the push presses, and get them done in one set, pushing the reps. Before each of the 2 minute marks, give yourself a few deep breaths and make sure you can do that. Having to break up the push presses will slow you down drastically, and if you choose a weight too heavy, it will seriously cut into the time you have to accumulate rounds. Think about crisp and tight transitions through this workout. You can’t afford to waste time and energy here.