Thanksgiving WOD 7AM ONLY!

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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Thanksgiving with “The Girls” (Time)

Cindy’s House

(10 MIN AMRAP)- I GO-You GO.

-250M SKI each-

Karen’s House

(150 Wallballs- Partner Style)

-250M Row each-

Twin’s House (Isabel & Grace)

30 Clean & Jerks

30 Snatches

-1 Mile Bike (split)-

Wackie Jackie

1000M Row

50 Plate Ground 2 O/H 45/25

30 Box Jumps

*One Partner Must Hold a Turkey (Wall Ball) at ALL TIMES.

Split all reps however you wish uless listed.

Cindy is:

5 pullups

10 pushups

15 air squats

Each partner will do one round of cindy and then switch.