Tight Shirt Thursday

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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Workout of the Day

Burnt Marshmallow (AMRAP – Reps)

10 Push Press (95+/65+ Building Eat Set)

AMRAP Strict Pullups

Rest 2:00

x 5
Score=Total Pullups

If you cannot do 5 strict pullups each round minimum, do tough Ring Rows.

Rx: begin at 95/65 and Build in weight each set. If you get to a weight that you fail, stick to a weight you can go unbroken. Write your Wt in the notes.


Barbell Arm Curls (15 DB Curls 15 DB Kickbacks Rest 1:30 x 4)

Improving bicep strength will help with our pulling movements.

Glute Bridge (Bodybuilding: Glutes 5 Sets 15 Hip Thrusts )

Barbell Glute Bridges
Bodybuilding: Glutes

5 Sets

15 Hip Thrusts

10 Clamshells ea/s

Rest 2:00

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