Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
Weighted Pull-ups (5-7 sets)
Pull-ups (5-7 sets)
Workout of the Day
Turn & Burn (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
7 min AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs (4 Rx+)
10 Pistols (16 Rx+)
on 10:00 Mark:
3 Rounds
8 Pullups (Rx+ 10)
30 Air Squats
Workout Goal: 5+ Rounds, <3:00
Score the time of the 3 rounds in the comments.
Core Work
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
4 Rounds for Quality
8-12 Strict Knees-to-elbow
Hop off, rest 20 seconds
AMRAP Deadhang Hold w/ active scaps
Rest 1:30