Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit
Front Squat (0:00-05:00 Establish a Heavy Front Squat)
Push Press (05:00-10:00 Establish a Heavy Push Press)
Thruster (10:00-15:00 establish a Heavy Thruster)
Up Front (Weight)
“Up Front”
Alternating EMOM x 10 (5 Rounds):
Even Minutes – 5 Thrusters
Odd Minutes – 200 Meter Run
at 50-60% of your established heavy single
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Giant Sets:
10 Unilateral Strict Presses (each side)
15 Romanian Deadlifts
20 Hollow Rocks
25 Glute Bridges
REST 2:00
Rest 2:00 between sets. Athletes choice on weight for both the strict presses and Romanian deadlifts, but we are looking for unbroken sets here. As in, the weight should not be so heavy that we need to break up the 15 deadlifts for example. Challenge ourselves, but with the right loading.