Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit Push Jerk (Est 1rm ) Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) With A Partner Complete In 16 Minutes: Rx+- 135/95lbs Rx- 115/75 50 Push Press 25 Burpee Over Bar 50 Front Squat 25 Burpee Over Bar 50 Deadlift 25 Burpee Over Bar In Time remaining Complete Max Clean and Jerk ( Score...Read More
Barnes Corner CrossFit – On Ramp Metcon (Time) Complete 3 Rounds For Time : Row 200M 10 thrusters Time each interval (one person rests while partner goes) 3 times each (approx 3 min rest) Warm-up Intro Rowing Technique Athletes Row 500m FundamentalsRead More
Barnes Corner CrossFit – 8-Week Cecil Fire S&C Program Metcon (4 Rounds for time) Run (4) 800Meters (1/2 Mile) Each interval record your time. 1:1 Run/Rest ratio Sit-ups (4 sets to failure. rest 2 minutes between sets) Push-ups (4 sets of max reps. rest 2 minutes between sets)Read More
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