Over the Hump

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

Weighted Step-ups (:20 max reps x 2 sets)

Keep foot on box, step back with

bottom foot, as many as possible. 2 sets of 20 seconds per leg holding

Kettlebell in goblet front hold on chest, resting 40 seconds between legs

Glute-Ham Raises (4×7)

Or buddy hamstring curls. 4sets of 7 reps

Back Squat (12-10-10)

Warmup to 72.5%

[email protected]%



90 sec max rest

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Over the Hump”

15 min AMRAP

ascending ladder

OHS 95/65 rx+ 115/75

BOX JUMP 24/20

Toes to Bar


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